Timble Family Mysteries Series
There's a Pirate in the Family
There's a Smuggler in the Family
There's a Spy in the Family
There's a Traitor in the Family
Reegan Murder Mystery Series
Is Jack Back?
A Gift Wrapped Murder
Funk to Fraud to Murder
Tropical Murder
4:20 Heist and Murder
Murder and a Crispy Rolls Royce
Natural Science
Fossil Shark Tooth Poster
Modern Shark Teeth
Fossil Shark Teeth
Fossil Collectors Handbook
Mammoths and Mastodons
Aiki Combat Jujits
White Tiger Kenpo
Tracy Kenpo
American Kenpo
Broadsword Forms
Pitbull Jujits
Tai Chi
Tae Kwon Do
Collectors Handbook to Fossils and Shark Teeth
Collectors Handbook to Fossils and Shark Teeth. This book is for anyone interested in fossil or fossil shark teeth. It will show lots of color photos of the fossils, where they are from and the best way to collect them. It also has a large section on fossil shark teeth that show both the fossil tooth and the modern tooth as well as describes the differences between the teeth. The book maybe small but it is packed full of information so you can take it with you when you go fossil hunting.
Softback Edition $24.95: |
The Barefoot Guide to Florida Fossils
This is a great little handbook for fossil collectors. There are lots of pictures as well as description of the teeth. It is small and compact so you can take it with you when you go fossil hunting. This book covers the most common fossils found in Florida on the beaches and rivers.
Softback Edition $14.95: Buy Now |
Pictorial Guide Fossil Shark Teeth
Pictorial Guide to Fossil Shark Teeth. The book has lots of pages full of multiple Color photos (of each species) pictures of actual shark teeth not just one indistinct line drawings like most other reference books have. GREAT for ID of the teeth you find, this book is the most complete & up to date book of its kind, excellent, but without getting too bogged down with technical information & terms. It Covers many Sharks, Hexanchiform, Squaliform, Squatiniformes, Palaeospinacid, Orectolobiform, Narrow Toothed Lamniforms, Broad-toothed Lamniforms, and Carachiniform Sharks as well as Rays, Skates and Sawfish
Softback Edition $24.95: Buy Now
Pictorial Guide to Shark Teeth
A Great Guide to Sharks & Rays, Comparative Study Guide of Extant Shark Teeth for Identification of Shark Jaws and Fossil Shark Teeth. This book is packed full of useful information for students, shark enthusiast and collectors. Compiled from years of research and collecting specimen. The book is in large format (8 1/2 X 11") so the pictures can be larger for easier learning. The book has over 160 pages, 100's of photos IN COLOR.
This book shows actual pictures of both jaws and teeth NOT just unidentifiable line drawings like most shark reference books, useful information about the sharks themselves. This is a must have book for fossil shark tooth collectors, modern shark tooth collectors and jaw collectors looking for an identification guide.
Softback Edition $29.95: Buy Now
Sharks Past and Present A Great NEW Guide to Sharks & Rays, the book is packed full of useful information for students, shark enthusiast and collectors. Compiled from years of research and collecting specimen by Jim & LeAnn Rathbone (copyright 2006). The book is in large format (8 1/2 X 11") so the pictures can be larger for easier learning. The book has over 200 pages, 100's of photos, great illustration.
This book is up to date scientifically with the most recent species information, It Covers many Sharks, Hexanchiform, Squaliform, Squatiniformes, Orectolobiform, Narrow Toothed Lamniforms, Broad-toothed Lamniforms, and Carachiniform, Sharks as well as some Rays and Skates. This book shows actual pictures of both modern jaws and teeth and fossil shark teeth NOT just unidentifiable line drawings like most shark reference books, many pictures of jaws and tooth sets as well as information about the sharks themselves. This is a must have book for fossil shark tooth collectors, modern shark tooth collectors and jaw collectors looking for an identification guide.
Softback Edition $39.95: Buy Now
24 X 36 Fossil Shark Tooth Poster
Beautifully Illustrated, Full Size 24" X 36" Fossil Shark Tooth ID Poster Fossil Shark Tooth ID Poster, this is the newest release with up to date scientific information. Beautifully Illustrated, clean well defined drawings for easy Identification.
Price $14.95
Contact the artist James T Rathbone via Facebook to purchase a poster.
Fossil Collectors Handbook
The book has 71 pages, multiple color photos and pictures of actual fossils not just one indistinct line drawings like most other reference books have. GREAT for ID of the fossils you will find or have in your collection, This book is the most complete & up to date book of it's kind, excellent , but without getting too bogged down with technical information & terms. It Covers many many different kinds of fossils such as sharks and rays, Reptiles, fish and barracuda, perissodactyla odd-toed hoofed mammals, mammals Edentates, Proboscidians, Cetaceans, Echinoid's as well as much much more.
Softback Edition $24.95: Buy Now
Fossil History of Mammoth and Mastodonts
Fossil History of Mammoth and Mastodonts This book follows the fossil history of Proboscideans as well as goes over the order, Proboscideans Teeth, Methods for determining age and much, much, more.
Softback Edition $8.95: Buy Now |
Florida Collectors Guide to Fossils and Shark Teeth
A great guide for beginner collectors in Florida, this guide will give you great color photos of the fossil as well as information about the animal it came from. It has information on where and how to find the fossils and what do with them once you find them. A great little pocket guide that you can put in your backpack and carry with you while you are hunting.
Softback Edition $24.95: Buy Now
Nook Book $12.95: Buy Now
Kobo Digital Book $12.95: Buy Now |